wrestlers and wildlife

May 14, 2008



my friend jason polan and i just made this new book, appropriately titled WRESTLERS AND WILDLIFE. it’s 8.5″x11″, 28 pages, first photocopied edition of 150. 



we’re having an impromptu release “party” in union sq tomorrow, thursday may 15th 530-630pm. jason and i met while i was selling things on the street in soho, and that idea has been a recurring one throughout our friendship. so we thought to celebrate that we’d hold our release party in the park where we also sometimes set up shop, sometimes sit and watch people.

jason will also be releasing another new book of his in collaboration with photographer michael worful. so stop by (we’ll probably be in on the west side of the park, by the staples), say hello and take a peek at the book. feel no obligation to buy anything. 



if you are interested in buying a copy of wrestlers and wildlife, please stop by the shop page of my website. thanks!

bat embroideries

May 5, 2008

bat skeleton embroidery


here are two embroideries from my solo show, Hollow Face, Hand Wing, which was hosted by the Curiosity Shoppe last october out in san francisco.


bat embroidery


i just found the cd with all the scans on it so i’ll be updating my website with all those drawings and photos of the bat forest installation in the next week or so. you can see Lauren’s photos from the opening (which was also the grand opening of the shoppe!) and also from the live bat presentation that we organized a few days later with Monique and Karen from the California Bat Conservation Fund


hollow face, hand wing opening at the curiosity shoppe


stuffed fruit bat sculptures

rodriguez fruit bat sculptures

minds blown at the live bat presentation

cherub the pallid bat

me holding little yuma bat

i am so psyched to be holding that yuma bat.
it weighs less than a nickel and can eat over 600 mosquitoes in one night.
that is beyond my comprehension.

see the drawings from the show here

I just put some new things in the store, some prints, greeting cards and some original drawings. click here to go see!

also my band White Hinterland is playing the 3rd anniversary show at the cake shop in the LES tomorrow evening. there are several great bands/performers playing before and after us (we are on at 9pm). we will have brand new shirts which i designed. see the show details here. it’s only $3 and their cakes are delicious. see you there!